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Earthbound - Nudist Edition

24 Переглядів· 10/11/22
5 Підписники

PLEASE SUPPORT NINTENDO AND THE MOTHER SERIES BY PURCHASING THE VIRTUAL CONSOLE VERSION OF EARTHBOUND FOR $9.99 ON THE WII U SHOP CHANNEL. <br /><br />ALSO, FOLLOW MOTHER 4, A HIGHLY-ANTICIPATED FAN-MADE SEQUEL TO MOTHER 3 BY AZURE STUDIOS: http://mother4.andonuts.net/ <br /><br />(I HAVE NO AFFILIATION WITH EITHER PARTIES. JUST SAYIN'.) <br /><br />This is another nude mod I applied, this time, to Earthbound AKA Mother 2 based on Ness's original nude sprite from his trip to Magicant in the original Japanese version. So far, only the four main characters, Ness, Paula, Jeff, and Poo, as well as select beach/swimwear NPCs are nude or partially nude. Other minor changes have also been made such as Tracy (Ness's sister) has been redesigned because I thought her original self looked stupid. <br /><br />Some dialogue has been changed to reflect Ness and Co.'s nudity as well as the story/setting: (1)Ness's family is a nudist family which is mentioned as Porky's father's reasons for disgust with them, not because of a debt. (2) Although minor, Summers is now a clothing-optional resort and sprites found exclusively in Summers may not be wearing all their clothes. <br /><br />This is a work in progress as evident by Ness's sudden change of dress on his bike in the opening scene. Also, my computer is essentially garbage so the screen cap lagged immensely. The actual game, run on SNES9x, is as smooth as the original with no glitches or hiccups (so far). <br /><br />Also applied is zaxtur64's "uncensored" patch which can be found here: http://forum.starmen.net/forum..../Community/PKHack/Mo <br />This is a .smc rom that was modded directly with Tomato's PK Hack run in DOS-Box. <br />If this becomes popular, I will definitely finish it and upload it. Suggestions EXTREMELY welcome.

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